Saturday, December 30, 2006

The Effect of Language Translation Scripts on Author Professionalism

You may have seen some of the latest releases of translation software on the market these days. The ones that will translate your website into 8 to 10 different languages seamlessly. These translation programs, to some extent, do work and add some benefit. But how much benefit?

For many of us, English is our first language, and at least in America, it is the language for business. The internet is chalk full of websites authored in the English language. But business and communication is global. Recent statistics reveal that for the vast majority of internet users online throughout the world, English is not their first language. Roughly two thirds of the global internet user crowd, do not use English. What does this mean for the English language business or communication internet industries? Well, simply, that they are not "language friendly" to the majority of internet users world wide. The solution ...

Angela Abbette writes for and is a user of the language translation script found at

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Proofing - A Critical Function Not to be Overlooked

No matter how hard I try to get it right I always find errors in my writing after it has been posted on the web. Pj Germain has come to the rescue by submitting this article with some great advice for finding mistakes and learning new habits before it's too late. Pete

By: Pj Germain

Business people universally agree that mechanical mistakes detract from the professionalism of communications. However, those with proofreading responsibilities commonly experience real frustrations in producing error-free work. They typically identify certain specific obstacles to accurate proofreading.

1. Overlooking mistakes when proofreading
2. Making time for proofreading in a pressured environment
3. Lacking self-confidence in a reliable system
4. Providing helpful, non-critical proofreading support to others
5. Lacking certainty about acceptable guidelines.

In the rush and pressure of sending communications, writers are often tempted to skip the final proofreading step. They send it to their printer, and approve it without really proofing it. After all, if the content is clear, who will mind a few mechanical mistakes?

In reality, readers do mind. Many readers report that their opinion of the writer's professionalism goes down a notch with every error they see. Mechanical mistakes send a message that writers are not investing much effort in the communication that, in effect, writers do not care.

In addition, overlooked proofreading errors can sometimes change the content often with some significant financial results.

1. One government agency wasted $3 million by not catching a hyphen error when proofreading a purchase order. In originally writing the order, the agency had meant to say, "1,000-foot-long radium bars." The order was typed, "1,000 foot-long radium bars."


Monday, December 18, 2006

Writing On The Web - Part 7

Bytepowered Articles

Basic Punctuation

By: Staff, Ally

End Punctuation

Here we will start with the end. If it weren't for end punctuation a person would not know if the writer is making a statement, an exclamation or question. Punctuation provides clarity in meaning for its readers.


A period of course ends nearly all sentences, except direct questions and exclamations. If the sentence contains an indirect question then end the sentence with a period, not a question mark.

Example: Ally asked her English composition teacher when Steven King wrote The Shining.

Abbreviations and Periods

A period follows most abbreviations and for some a twenty eight day cycle. Others can be used or not as in the examples below with initial abbreviations.

Standard abbreviations: Mrs., Inc., Dr.
Initials abbreviations: C.P.A, R.N., Ph.D. or CPA, RN OR PhD


Acronyms are abbreviations spoken as words like the examples below. Think we are all familiar with CRS.

Examples: ESP, IRS, USA, SNAFU or CRS

Periods are not used with postal service abbreviations!

I'm guilty of this one, are you?

Examples: PO Box, OH, FL, GA, NY, USA, RD, TSR, LN, AVE,


The comma is probably the most abused punctuation mark just because it has such a variety of uses. Natural pauses are the most common errors. Commas help to clarify the meaning of your sentences. Reading a sentence to yourself will help you decide where to place it correctly. Again don't over use it and make your writing look cluttered.

If there is more than one comma, start a second sentence at the second one. At that point your heading for a confusing run-on sentence for your reader anyway. Can you tell the subject of the example below? No, because there are more than one. If there is more than one subject in your sentence, then you should have more than one sentence for clarity and ease of reading.

Example: Went to the grocery store today, ran into an old chum while I was there, however, finding the tartar sauce, was foremost in my mind.
Example Fixed: Went to the grocery store today. Ran into an old chum while I was there. However, finding the tartar sauce was foremost in my mind.

Question Mark

Use a question mark at the end of a sentence when asking a direct question. Basically, a question mark in parenthesis, should be used when your information is lacking--
such as a birthday, correct number of the year or a word as in spelling. Notice no space needed either between the number and parenthesis.

Example: Robin Williams was born in 1957(?) and went on to be a great actor as well as comedian.

Exclamation Mark

Exclamation marks are used to emphasis or show emotion. As with most punctuation, over usage of an exclamation point lessens its meaning and element of surprise. More than one exclamation point or grouping of them only clutters your work.

Examples: No way! Get out of here! Go home!

Reference: For the grammar unknown to me and research material, the credit goes to The Writer's Brief Handbook, second edition published by Alfred Rosa and Paul Eschholz. Copyright © 1996 by Allyn & Bacon.

Ally is an accomplished writer of poetry, essays and articles as well as expert editor at She has won two Editor's Choice Awards from The National Library of Poetry(1996-98). These awards were for works of poetry published by The National Library of Congress in a series of anthologies. Also she has some background in graphic communications technology. Contact AllyC: Bytepowered Articles
Copyright© AllyC 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Writing On The Web - Part 6

Bytepowered Articles
Making The Most Of A Career In Writing

By: Tony Jacowski

Writing is a skill that can be learned; it is a craft, and words can be used to craft pieces that express a lot. It is also a gift that involves a writer's ability to spin magic out of simple words. If you feel that you can make effective use of words in your writing and create something that will be more interesting and thoughtful than talking, then you can seriously think of a career in this field. A career in writing does not necessarily mean just playing with words; it means making an effort to mold them in order to express something that you cannot achieve when you speak. This is where the magic of writing lies.

Every writer has different reasons behind writing. Some do it just for fun and some take up writing as an income source to earn their living. No matter what the reason, the most important thing is that you should have the ability to create magic on paper by penning down words. Writing can give any individual a chance to profit. If you have the flair for writing and you want to take it up as your career then you have several opportunities in this field.

Career Options

Each career opportunity in writing may come with certain drawbacks and since it is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it will take some time for you to start earning real money. The career opportunities that lie in this field range from positions such as print journalist, editor, freelance writer, content writer, technical writer, copy editor and more.

You can make a career in print journalism by taking up the profession of a newspaper and magazine reporter. This profession will give you a chance to write on various topics from politics to fashion to human interest. The best part is that you will get the opportunity gather the information yourself, in order to create a story or an article out of it. People with good writing skills can also opt for content or technical writing. If you don't want to work under someone you can also opt for freelance writing, although there is uncertainty of your articles getting published, but you can surely give it a shot. People with good writing skills can write novels and short stories and get them published. Although publishing a book is again not very certain, once completed it can ensure a good profit. It requires a lot of commitment as far as time is concerned. You can also try your hand at corporate writing, which again is lucrative and tightly controlled.


Creating a blog account is another option for people who are interested in writing. You can create an account on the free blogging sites on the Internet and promote it through article marketing and link development. You can also try online writing where you can place articles on the Internet.

Writing may not seem to be a very promising career to many, but it certainly provides a great deal of satisfaction to those who find it interesting and have a penchant for it. It is advisable to practice writing everyday and be open to reading articles written by others, as you will get to learn more and improve your writing skills. There is no quick fix magic formula that will turn you into a good writer. It is a life's work.

Article Source:

Tony Jacowski is a quality analyst for The MBA Journal. Aveta Solution's Six Sigma Online offers online six sigma training and certification classes for lean six sigma, black belts, green belts, and yellow belts.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Writing On The Web - Part 5

Bytepowered Articles Mind Games: How To Eliminate The 5 Negative Thoughts That Shut Down Your Writing

By: Daphne Gray-Grant

Have you ever reached for a brownie when you were trying to lose weight? Or stayed in bed when you intended to go to the gym? Or put off paying bills because it was "too much of a hassle"?

There are lots of different ways in which we sabotage ourselves. This is true of life in general and also true of the writing life.

Writing depends not just on discipline but also on the complicated interplay between what we know and what we feel.

I've worked as an editor for just about 30 years (honest, I was really young when I started) and I've noticed there are five key negative feelings or thoughts that tend to shut down our writing -- in much the same way that a circuit breaker shuts down electricity. BOOM and the lights go out.

Often, simply being aware of these thoughts is enough to take away their power. At other times, it's important to challenge them head-on. So let's see which ones are disrupting your writing (and therefore taking a bite of your income) and figure out what you can do about them.

1) I'm a lousy writer; I don't have the talent to do this.

This is probably the most common negative thought of all. My theory is it's usually born in high school when writing teachers single out one or two people in the class for praise and use their red pens too liberally with the rest. (To this day, when I'm editing, I make a point of never using red to make suggestions or corrections!) And too much of a focus on grammar and spelling in childhood often mean trouble for the adult writer.

But here's the interesting truth: We're all born lousy marketing writers. The people who become "good" are the ones who are prepared to do the following simple things:

- Read good writing and work to emulate it;
- Write a lot -- because writing is like exercise: the more you do, the better you get;
- Spend double the time on self-editing that they spend on writing.

If you discover that you're constantly bad-mouthing yourself as you write, replace the inner negative chatter with the following statement: "Writing is about practice. The more I do, the better I'll get. When I finish this article (letter, report, etc.) I'll have more experience and I'll have improved."

2) I don't have the time to write.

This is one of my favorite negative thoughts because it's so common and sooo easy to blow out of the water. The writing world is littered with people who quit their day-jobs so they could work on their books. But here's the secret: The published novelists and non-fiction writers are almost always the people who continue with their regular work and write in their spare time.

Just as the cactus thrives in a hot, dry environment, writing thrives in the absence of time. Yes, you read that correctly. Writing not only can be done quickly; it is better done quickly. That's partly because, if you're fast enough, you can usually out-run and out-write the negative chatter in your head.

People often make the mistake of trying to set aside huge chunks of time for writing (especially for reports). Me? I love writing in 10-minute bursts. Not only does this allow me to get ideas out of my head and onto paper when they are fresh, but it also gives me a big payback down the road. That's because when I go back to the document I often discover my article is much further ahead than I'd realized. No blank page. It's a great feeling.

I do like having a decent chunk of time to self-edit -- a different task from writing -- but I'm talking maybe 30 to 60 minutes. Not all day.

When you're planning your writing time, think in small increments, not big chunks. Remember: If you write 300-350 words a day, you'll have written a decent-length book by the end of a year.

3) I'd better do a really good job on this (article, report, letter) because my reputation/sales results hinge on it.

Of course you want your writing to be good. And of course certain pieces of work you do can be important to your business or career. But to understand why this negative line will do you in, it might help to think about professional sports. Take tennis for example.

Do you think Martina Navratilova won a record nine Wimbledon singles championships and 58 Grand Slam titles by telling herself, "I really need to win this game; if I don't, I'm in trouble." Of course not! I don't know about Martina, but I do know many professional athletes work with psychologists precisely so they can learn to turn off this unhelpful chatter. After all, this sort of self-talk is more likely to cause them to choke than to win.

Similarly, when you're writing, you need to shut down the tiny yet persistent voice that tells you how much you have riding on this job. Instead, do what the athletes do. Focus on the ball -- in your case that means: focus on what you're writing.

And if that doesn't work, tell the voice that you don't have time to listen to it while you're writing, but you'll attend to it when you're editing the piece (when it can't do so much damage.)

4) I need to write about this topic.

Truth is, unless you're a journalist or someone else who writes professionally, there are precious few topics that anyone is going to force you to cover. Sure you might need to write a pitch for a bank loan or sales letter to promote your product, but if you're writing an article for your e-zine or website, don't be bound by duty. Instead, focus on topics you feel passionate about.

Readers can smell disinterest the way lions can smell a steak. I've seen too many consultants who start an article by saying to themselves: "This is a hot topic in my industry right now." Or, "I want the search engines to pick me up on this one." Or, "People expect me to be an expert on this." Yawn.

Instead, choose a topic that excites you and has you fairly bursting to write. Then think hard about how to make it relate to your business, your keywords or your target market. Your enthusiasm will not only captivate your readers, it will also inspire you to write quickly and fluently.

5) Writing is too hard.

Let's get something straight. Lifting bricks is hard; waiting tables is hard; telling someone they have cancer is hard. Writing is not hard. Writing is just writing.

There is a romantic notion -- perpetuated by Ernest Hemingway, Raymond Chandler and others -- that writers must be tortured. In fact, writing is just a job. Sure, sometimes it's more difficult than other times -- just like it's hard to return voice mail messages when you're headachy and grumpy or hard to go for a run when you're bone-tired.

But overall, writing is actually pretty cushy. You get to sit in a warm dry place. You can have a steaming cup of tea or coffee beside you. You don't have to do any heavy lifting (with Spell check, you don't even have to lift the dictionary!) And best of all, you get the privilege of sharing your thoughts -- the ones inside your head -- with other people.

So, dismiss the notion that writing is an onerous act. Writing is something we all can do. Sure, some of us are better at it that others than others. But that's mostly because of practice. And if you write more, you too will improve.

Get at it.

Article Source:

A former journalist, Daphne Gray-Grant is a writing and editing coach who helps people writer better, faster. Visit her website at where you can sign up for her free weekly newsletter on power writing.

Next: Writing On The Web Part 6; Making The Most Of A Career In Writing

Friday, December 01, 2006

Writing On The Web - Part 4

Writing Articles - 3 Common Mistakes to Avoid

By: Nick Summers

Calling all writers and non-writers - now is the time to start enhancing or preparing those creative writing skills!

Alongside the development of modern communication technology, the popularity of information-based marketing has grown; it is now one of the best established and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is why article writing, submission and publication is also increasingly popular.

There are already many tools that people can use to make the process of distributing their articles easier. Although wide distribution of articles is invaluable in getting their contents more exposure, that is only half the story.

First, let us take a quick look at the common mistakes that some people make before submitting their contents to article directories:

1. Confusing the reason to promote the articles with the reason to write them.

When you write articles, there are three key benefits from distributing them: branding, lead generation and promotion. These are all part of your search engine optimization and traffic generation efforts.

However, there should be only one real reason why you write any article - informing your audience. If your article is not focused on this crucial and most significant purpose, it will fail to achieve any of the three promotion benefits because no one will be interested in reading it!

To make your articles work for you, people must want to read them and then want to find out more - so they will then click on your resource box. You can only achieve this by producing well written articles with high quality information and other content.

2. Failing to maximize the promotional opportunities of article marketing.

You may know already that your articles can help you generate additional links back to your site. But do you know that you can get more visitors and better search engine results from those same articles?

To optimize traffic generation and search engine results, you will need to mention keywords at strategic places. However, you must be sure not to overdo them or your search engine ranking can actually decrease. You can also use keywords effectively in anchor texts but do bear in mind that many directories are not able to support this.

Remember that is not only about the links back to your site from your resource box once the articles are distributed. Part of doing well in your article marketing is being recognized by major publishers who will have a large audience. You can then gain the ability to leverage and joint venture with other brands because of the quality of your work. Relevant links and promotion from related sites will lead to better search engine results.

Having said all that, these things might not put much money in your pocket. There are other factors that can turn your article marketing efforts into an opportunity that can boost your earnings rather than just increasing the number of visitors to your site.

The main principle to ensure your success is to plan you article to make sure that it will fulfil the function that you intended it to have.

3. Publishing content that does not help your readers.

Maybe in the process of writing articles, you fall into the trap of thinking that all that you want is to have links back to your site, and that any visitors it can generate are fine. But guess what? Not all article banks and directories are going to accept your content automatically. They regularly have guidelines and specifications on the type of articles that they accept.

You can double the number of sites you can submit to when you are writing articles that the directories will want to share with other people. All it takes is one publisher with a hundred thousand regular readers and your potential audience will increase overnight.

You should be aware and make use of the fact that general articles submitted on directories may not receive the same level and type of exposure as targeted, specialized content articles geared to a narrow group of people. Learn the difference between these two and it will surely help you know what kinds of articles to write and to submit.

Basically, you need to write articles that publishers want in their publications if you want your article marketing to work in the most effective way. This also means you have to obey the standard guidelines: spell checks, correct grammar, well researched content and an interesting and relevant topic. It may even mean that you have to hire a writer to produce good content on your behalf.

In the end, it is all really a matter of choice on your part. You can start getting a little exposure from increased links back but on a very basic level, or enjoy massive exposure from the relatively small amount of extra time it takes to research and produce quality content.

Article Source:

Nick Summers runs Content Cow Article Directory, a directory dedicated to offering the best of the web's articles formatted the way you want them. Visit today for all your content requirements.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Writing On The Web - Part 3

Bytepowered Article Writing Tips
Where to start or First rough draft

Start anywhere--it doesn't matter. Putting words on paper is like planting a seed in your subconscious. Your mind will go to work on it while you're busy doing your daily tasks. No need to consciously dwell on it. When you go back to your writing, suddenly out of nowhere, ideas will come. That's the power of the subconscious, use it to your advantage.

You might try writing with the monitor off or using pen and paper to start. This way you are not inhibited by your error correcting and can get the thoughts down quickly without interruption. Also this frees the mind for roaming creativity. This is a first rough draft so grammar does not matter--just type. Having said that... Always use a text editor to spell check your writing when you are finished. If you would like some inspiration take a look at Article Writing Questions For You, by James Lowe.

Can a newbie, novice or high school dropout be a writer?

Yes! No college English degree needed. It's not always what you know, but whether you can tell others what you know! Everyone has a head full of knowledge about some topic. That doesn't help anyone but yourself if you're unable to relate it to others.

Common Writing Mistakes or Things that make your readers go away

Avoid using 'I' frequently

Forms of 'I' such as 'me' or 'myself', should be used infrequently. Over use will make you appear self-absorbed and self-centered. Readers are not too likely to finish reading this article as it is obviously all about you.

Example: I went to the college of my choice and I made good grades. I then graduated with honors.

Fixed example: Went to the college of my choice and graduated with honors.

Avoid run-on sentences

Run-on sentences are a common error. Take the time to make shorter more understandable sentences. The longer it is the more confusion ensues for the reader. Break it up! In the example below for each comma a period and new sentence should start as well as some conjunctions deleted. As a general rule if it has more than one comma in it, start a new sentence where the second comma is. Can you tell the examples subject below? No, because there are many.

Example: Went on a trip to my sister and brothers house so we could work on my computer and I took the pups with me so they could play with the other critters there.

Fixed example:Went on a trip to my siblings home. Needed my brother to work with me on this computer. Took my pups with me so they could play with their critters.

Delete unnecessary words, phrases and commas!

This is one piece of advice I will always remember because of the startling effect on the readability of my writing. The most common mistake made by new authors are unnecessary words and phrases, the killers of readability. Consider the example sentence below and lets try to make it more readable.

“I have written this article because of a huge and growing interest that there is in MySpace, the sort of explosion of interest that has not been seen for quite some while.”

First - Remove unnecessary words. The reason for your writing should be obvious after reading the first paragraph even if the title does make it clear! This example is not a good way to start an article.

"I have written this article because of the huge and growing interest in MySpace,..."

Next - Consider removing and reordering words to make the sentence more readable.

"...the sort of interest explosion that has not been seen for quite some while."

Finally - the sentence revised: Wouldn't the sentence sound better this way?

"I have written this article because of the huge growing interest in MySpace. This sort of explosion in interest has not been seen for quite some while."

BIG Words

Don't use big complicated or techie words unless necessary. Don't try to use big words to impress your readers. If you are not sure of the exact definition of a word--look it up in a thesaurus for a better word. If you don't fully understand a word there is a good chance your readers won't either.

If you don't understand the rules of punctuation and grammar, get an English book or search the Internet for grammar tips or tutorials. Most importantly, let other people check your writing. Choose people not as knowledgeable in the subject as you to see if it's easily read and understood. The process of allowing other people to check the grammar and readability of your article is used by even the most accomplished writers. It is extremely easy to over look simple grammar or spelling mistakes.

More Bytepowered Article Tips coming soon.

Next: Writing On The Web Part 4

Monday, November 20, 2006

Writing On The Web - Part 2

The Five C's of Quality Writing

By: Scott White

"Good content has five elements: it's clear, concise, compelling, consistent, and correct. Learn how to achieve each of these with your writing."
There are two components of any copy, whether it's an article, a Web site, or a book: content and appearance.

Content means the words that actually appear on the page - your message. It can be serious, humorous, elegant, bold, technical, or conversational in tone. But the message is the words themselves. What you're saying and how you're saying it. Content includes grammar, spelling, jargon, acronyms, and the like.
Appearance relates to the way the words (content) look on the page.

These are things that affect the way the words look on the printed page (or monitor, for Web copy) - all of which goes in to making your copy easy to read.

Are your paragraphs all piled up, one on top of the other, with no graphics, subheadings, or other means of breaking them up? Are they manageable in size and easy to digest? A paragraph is supposed to contain one chunk of related information. Sometimes they can get fairly lengthy and still be in correct literary form . . . but keep your reader in mind. If there's a way to break up one big, gigantic, one-and-a-half-page paragraph, DO IT!

Make your content CLEAR. Avoid the overuse of jargon and acronyms in your copy. Unless you are writing for a specialty Web site where only people intimately familiar with your industry and/or business will visit it, make sure your language is understandable to the broadest possible audience. Get someone objective (i.e., not in your industry) to read it for you. If they don't get it, chances are some of your other readers won't get it either.

Make it CONCISE - even for books and long-copy sales letters. Most people have a tendency to overwrite. Be precise with your language. Avoid run-on sentences. Avoid long, meandering phrases when one or two words will do.

Rule of thumb: Polish your written piece until it gleams. Get it to where you think it's perfect. Then go back and cut it by 25 percent.

"Not possible!" you say.

Oh, but it is. Get rid of phrases like "of the" and all the extra instances of "that". Delete redundancies like "simple, effortless, and easy-to-use." Sometimes more is better. Other times, more is just more - and might actually work against ease of reading and understanding - which means it works against you.

Make your content COMPELLING. Use motivating language. In sales copy, for example, detail your features and benefits. Give people a reason to want to buy from you or use your service. An isolated product list probably is not going to compel anyone all by itself. However, whatever you do, do not ever lie or misrepresent yourself! This will only come back to harm you in the long (or not-so-long) run.

If you claim to have contacts who are producers at Warner Bros., you'd better be sure the person you know at Warner Bros. is not the sister of the assistant to the catering manager. Or if you offer 2-day delivery at no extra charge, you'd better be ready to fulfill that promise, even if you receive 1,000 orders in a day!

Also, tell stories. Don't forget you're the expert. If you're writing a book about job hunting for baby boomers, and you've helped a lot of baby boomers get jobs, use those stories in your writing to illustrate your points. Stories are compelling because they help your readers relate to your material. They can be entertaining, offer lessons, or dramatize particular elements - but use stories in all of your writing to create and maintain interest.

Make sure your content is CONSISTENT. This is another place where you can tell a sloppy writer from one who takes time to double- and triple-check their work before they submit and/or publish it.

There is not necessarily a correct answer to these ones. Simply determine what your personal and/or company standard is, and stick with it. One of the worst offenses of inconsistency appears when there are several different spellings or phone number styles within a single document. Mistakes like these make your work - and by extension, you and your company - appear sloppy.

Is it on line, online, or on-line?

Is your style ABC Deli or A.B.C. Deli?

formatting phone numbers: Do you use 602.253.8463 or 602/253.8463 or (602) 253-8463?

Make your content CORRECT. Proper grammar and spelling are essential!!! There's no way to state this strongly enough, particularly with respect to Web copy. There is so much competition for business on the Web - if you have sloppy copy that is badly spelled and riddled with grammatical mistakes, the next site is just one click away - and you won't get a second chance to bring those lost visitors back.

Although everyone makes a mistake now and again, please do not underestimate the importance of correct grammar. If you don't know whether it's correct or not, ASK someone who knows, LOOK IT UP in a book or online resource, or PAY a professional editor/proofreader.

The most glaring grammatical errors:

Stupid spelling mistakes. Write your copy in Word and SPELLCHECK before you dump it into html (or Publisher, PowerPoint, or whatever other format you might use for delivery).

Missing and incorrectly used apostrophes. Again, there's no excuse for this mistake - and it is one that will set you apart from the others in your industry. Apostrophes are NEVER used to create plurals - but you see this all the time. A ridiculous sign of sloppy writing and a complete lack of editing.

Extreme Example of Common Errors:
In this writers opinion, dumb grammer mistake's cost people more business than they realize.

TIP: If you use ALL CAPS, change your text to lower case or initial caps to run SpellCheck. SpellCheck will not catch errors in text in ALL CAPS unless you set it to do so.

TIP: Use ALL CAPS sparingly. Text written in ALL CAPS is exceptionally difficult to read. The fact is that the shape of a word, as much as its spelling, facilitates quick reading. Words written exclusively in capital letters lose the shape differentiation caused by the ascenders (b, d, f, h, k, l, t) and descenders (g, j, p, q, y). As a result, words written in ALL CAPS take a great deal more effort to read.
(Editor's Note: Using all caps in any document is a very bad idea. I blame American institutions of higher learning for this bad habbit. Times New Roman font in ALL CAPS, is not easier to read!)
Remember, it is virtually impossible to edit your own work. You're too close to the material and have seen it too many times to even notice errors any longer. If you find yourself in a position where you must edit your own writing, take a significant break from it - two hours, at minimum, but two days is suggested. This will allow you to return to your work with "new eyes," able to spot errors you would likely have missed had you not taken the break.

Article Source:

Scott White designed a top SEO Program to Gain More web site Traffic Learn how to rank your website at the top with: SEO DVD, SEO Book, And SEO CDs on SEO Tutorial Program. His company provides awesome Freelance Editing.

Next: Writing On The Web - Part 3, Bytepowered Writing Tips

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Writing On The Web - Part 1

This is the first post in a series of posts to this blog I will call "Writing On The Web." The series will include article writing tips from Bytepowered Articles and guest writers chosen by yours truly. If you have submitted articles to any of Bytepowered Articles writing categories, your article might show up here.

The intent of this series of posts, "Writing On The Web," is to emphasize the importance of good writing skills to all authors or authors to be.

Writing on the Web is booming because publishers understand that fresh and creative content is vital for Search Engine ranking. Webmasters, Ezine Authors and Bloggers are cranking out articles, blog posts and E-books by the thousands. The lure of page ranking and viral marketing has brought an onslaught of new authors and with new authors comes a boom in poor writing.

As the owner and webmaster of the free articles directory Bytepowered Articles, I see more writing mistakes than most Web surfers. Honestly, the writing skill of some supposed experts that submit articles to Bytepowered Articles is appalling.

When I am reviewing articles for acceptance into my directory, I have the following options .

  • Accept the article as it is. (Posted to the directory immediately.)
  • Edit the article. (Automatically accepted after edit.)
  • Reject the article. (Puts the article on hold for the author to edit.)
  • Delete (We all know what that means.)
How I use these options.
Bytepowered Articles is a niche articles directory which simply means that articles are accepted to a limited number of categories. All articles are read, edited and accepted manually to maintain excellence in quality. In this case, articles that are relevant to Computers, the Internet and Communications. You can view accepted categories at the bottom of the Bytepowered Articles index page.

Well written and relevant articles are always posted immediately.

If an article has very minor errors such as a common misspelling or is obviously missing a line break, I will manually make the correction and the article will be posted.


If an article is well written but has poor spelling, too many personal hyperlinks in the body or is not well formatted, I may choose to Reject the article. Rejecting the article puts the article on hold and sends an email to the author describing the reason for rejection and gives the author the opportunity to correct the mistakes. After the author makes corrections the article is automatically resubmitted for review.

What would you guess is the most common reason for deleting and article?
Too many hyperlinks?
Bad formatting?
Poor grammar?

My number one reason would fall under poor grammar. Articles are most often deleted because of bad sentence structure. The kind of sentence structure that leaves you wondering how the author could possibly fill out a job application or resume.

After reading the first paragraph of an article if I still have no idea what the article is about--I just delete it. The sad truth is that happens more often than you might think. At least two of every fifty articles reviewed read like the author just took some bad LSD. It begins with gibberish and ends with babbling. Words are in the wrong order or the author uses words that change intended meaning. This indicates that the author does not fully understand the meaning of the words being used. Sometimes using two or three redundant adverbs or prepositions where none is needed just causes further confusion.

I will stop ranting now and describe this in more detail later in this series of posts.

Next, "The Five C's of Quality Writing," By: Scott White

Friday, November 17, 2006

The Secret of Writing a Book Instantly

By: Steve Manning

This article will take you through every step of learning how to write a book. From start, to plot, to editing, to finished manuscript, to getting it ready for the agent.

Volumes have been written to show you how to write a book, so you know I won't be covering every step of writing a book in detail. For more information, look at the other articles in this series and for all the instruction you'll ever need make sure you sign up for the email lessons at the bottom of this page.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Do Optimized Press Releases Really Work?

By: Jeff Burdic

Optimized press releases combine the best of both new age and traditional modes of advertising. As the world becomes one singular global village, internet marketing is slowly making headway in being the medium of choice for companies to effectively publicize their brands and services.

What constituted as Public Relations between the company and the media has now become a more sophisticated tool to reach out to a larger audience worldwide. Publicity is no longer restricted to a geographical zone but transverses across countries in one single click of a mouse. The magic of internet is instant reach. And internet promotions have made brand awareness and PR easily achieved. You can give a better exposure and promotion to your online business by an optimized press release.

How To Get 100% Hot Targeted Traffic Directly To Your Website!

By: Martyn Brown

How many of us have had a well-built web site with everything working correctly, including links, search engine optimisation and Pay Per Click ads, only to find that you don't sell much, if anything at all?

If you have your own website with good quality, original, content on a niche subject that you enjoy writing about, there is one sure-fire way to get hot, wallet in hand, customers to rush to your home page.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Writing Articles That Get Read, Remembered And Recommended

"By: Mark Silver

You already know that writing articles will help your business. You know they establish you as an expert, as someone with authority. And they also create a depth of connection and trust with your customers.

But, maybe you still have a question.

How do you write a great article for your business?
(Meaning an article that someone actually reads, remembers, and recommends.)

Well, now, that's a mighty big subject. Obviously, there are many ways to do it, so I'll just give you one simple way, so you have something to jump in with. It involves three things: a Keyhole, a Drama, and a Stepladder."

Friday, November 10, 2006

What To Look For In The Perfect Ghost Writer

"By: Sandra Clair

As an online entrepreneur, good writing skills are important to your website business. Informed webmasters know that running an online business involves a variety of written communication including, blogs, press releases, articles, newsletters and other written information.

Since proficient writing skills are crucial to the success of your business, you want to make sure that your content is grammatically correct, unique and interesting. If you lack the time or the skills to write your own website content you need to hire a ghost writer to write for you. "

The Difference Between Rich Authors and Poor Authors

"By: Steve Manning

There's a real difference between what rich authors do and what poor authors do, and the difference has nothing to do with their writing ability.

How many times have you read a poorly written book and then wondered why it was a best seller, only to then read a really well written book that languished in anonymity. No one had ever heard of it and it had sold only a handful of copies.

It's not the writing, it's not the cover art, it's not the author's sincerity or the accuracy of the information. It really has little to do with the publisher, the distributor or the bookstore.

But it has everything to do with the author."

Article Writing Questions for You

"By: james lowe

Pretend for a brief moment that you are an article. Not a physical but a storied one. You can be a force more powerful than anything in the world if you share it.

Why would anyone care about you and your story of being an article? Maybe you know good ways to get along with others and have a lot of knowledge about it. You could tell others about it and share with them what you know in your oral article.

Another way to share your article is to write it down. This way it does not go away the minute you are done saying it. You have to be careful here though. A written article could last forever and it will have your name and reputation on it.

What if someone reads your written article, 50 years from now, and learns how to get along better with others? What if he or she becomes a country leader and a planet wide influence, for the better? Your article can be more influential and a building influence now.

What if one man stops beating the hell out of his wife because his father, before him, did the same thing because he read your article and learned to let his shoulders come down, relax and behave? How would that make you feel?

What if a dictator stopped concentrating on wiping out freedom or religions other than his own and learned to build and hel"

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Innovation with Microsoft Access

"By: Christine Harrell

Microsoft Access is perhaps the most underutilized powerhouse application in any office today. Because most people haven't had Access training, they generally attempt to organize their data using Word or Excel; applications with only a fraction of the functionality. Without Access training, most managers and employees don't even realize that they are missing out on serious functionality that could make their tasks exponentially easier, faster, and more accurate.

Who Uses Microsoft Access:
Access is a relational database program that allows the user to connect lots of pieces of information without a complicated mess. Just about every manager, inventory specialist, or customer relations specialist has a need to quickly access different types of data relating to one employee, product, or customer respectively."

6 Honest Reasons to Write a Book

"By: Yvonne Garcia

The way I see it, learning how to write a book is not about you struggling with much of anything at all. If you can talk, you can write. So writing a book is not as difficult as you might think. And actually many experts say that you should write like you speak. Your writing will be more real, instead of more like a thesis or scholarly-like essay. Which do you prefer to read? A personal communication or a thesis? Once you get inspired you might not be able to stop! These reasons for writing a book might just inspire you. I hope they do."

Thursday, November 02, 2006

How to Create Better Excel Spreadsheets: Part Two

"By: Christine Harrell

One of the most exciting things you'll learn in Excel courses is how to go beyond the toolbar and begin creating powerful formulas inside the worksheet cells themselves. During your Excel course, you find that Excel formulas can handle a lot more than simple equations. In fact, there is most likely an excel formula that will solve just about any problem you're having with your spreadsheets. Though classroom Excel courses will go into much greater detail and cover a lot more ground, this article will touch on some ways to handle common problems with Excel formulas."

How to Create Better Excel Spreadsheets: Part One

"By: Christine Harrell

If you've tried to create and print spreadsheets in Excel, you've likely been frustrated by disappearing row or column headers or by parts of your spreadsheet getting cut off upon printing. But don't give up on Excel too quickly. Excel is one of the most powerful programs available for managing and displaying large amounts of complicated data. After taking even some of the very basic Excel courses, you'll learn how to tame Excel and have it performing in ways you may have never thought imaginable. In this article, you'll learn about a few tricks taught in Excel courses that can help you to create better spreadsheets."

Learn the truth about your web design company by its portfolio

"By: Julia Ramyalg

When you start building your online business and search for a web design company that will implement all your needs for the web site you must understand that it is very serious step because you are entrusting your business along with its reputation and future.
That's why it's very important to make the right choice.

There are several factors that must define your choice, and one of them is portfolio of previous web design works the company has done. It can tell you more than all words and promises, just be attentive and try to analyze. I will tell you what you must pay attention to."

5 Microsoft Excel Charts for Creating Stunning Business Documents

By: Christine Harrell

Whether the goal of your business document is to attract investors, satisfy stockholders, or gain new customers, it's critical that they convey the precise message intended and look absolutely professional. Just about every business Excel user knows how to create basic line graphs and bar charts, but there are a wide variety of other graphing and charting tools better suited for many types of statistical data. This article will touch on 5 Excel charts covered in Excel training that can take your business documents to a new level of professionalism.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006 training, Tips, and Ideas

OpenOffice training, tutorials, and discussions.
It's the free Microsoft Office comapatible office suite.

Solveig Haugland maintains the training, Tips, and Ideas blog. Solveig's daily posts include tips and ideas on how to use the suite.

The site also includes OpenOffice training resources, tutorials and detailed OpenOffice workbooks written by Solvieg.

If you use OpenOffice Suite or are interested in OpenOffice training, you must see the this wonderful website of resources. training, Tips, and Ideas

OpenOffice training, tutorials, and discussions.
It's the free Microsoft Office comapatible office suite.

Solveig Haugland maintains the training, Tips, and Ideas blog.
Solveig's daily posts include tips and ideas on how to use the suite.

The site also includes OpenOffice training resources, tutorials and detailed OpenOffice workbooks written by Solvieg.

If you use OpenOffice Suite or are interested in OpenOffice training, you must see the this wonderful website of resources.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Macromedia Dreamweaver Vs Microsoft FrontPage

By: Rich Talbot

If you are new to web design and don't know where to start, it is probably best that you devote some time initially in selecting the most appropriate web editor. The two most popular WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editors are Microsoft's FrontPage and Macromedia's Dreamweaver.

This leads to the often heated and delicate debate, 'Which is the best editor?' Fortunately this article informs you of the pros and cons of both and the level of experience that is required. At this stage, I would like to make it clear that I am not an advocate for Microsoft or Macromedia and have substantial experience of using both web editors."

How Implementing a Project Management System Can Double Your Small Business Profits

By: Christine Harrell

Any small business can double, or even triple its profits if they truly desire to. Plenty of businesses do it each year and the key element is accountability. When people set lofty goals and are then held accountable for achieving the results, businesses tend to grow by leaps and bounds. The process of setting specific goals to be accomplished within a set time period of time is called a project system, and many of the most innovative and successful businesses operate this way today."

Sunday, October 29, 2006

How Many Times Do I Have To Pay The Internet Marketing Dumb Tax?? Part 1

By: Brooke Hayles

Recently, I went to an evening seminar presented by a Google Adwords certified web developer who runs a business not 5 minutess from my home. He was talking about how often newbies to Google Adwords, target the most competitive keywords, end up copping very high Costs-per-click (CPC) and finding themselves in the position where they have 'paid the Google Dumb Tax', as this guy rather humorously put it, I thought :-) "

Tutorial, Install Windows XP Built-in Fax Service

By: petec

Hey, wouldn't it be great to send and receive faxes from your Windows XP computer without having to buy expensive software? If you have a fax modem installed or you can have one installed, you can do just that. But you'll need to take a few steps because the fax service is not installed by default.

This is a great idea if you have a home office since the business world seems unable or unwilling to let go of Faxing and move on to E-mail. At least, Faxing with the computer allows you to send the Fax to a printer and eliminates one more ancient office machine.

Here is a tip for you business owners and office managers: I know from personal experience that Faxes can be pulled from the Fax machine unreadable. You can reduce cost by pitching the Fax machine and making a company wide policy change to E-mail only. You will never have to call a customer and ask them to waste their time by resending a fax again.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Online Survey Scams

By: Larry Bregman

Getting paid to take online surveys is a legitimate work at home Internet business opportunity. Many sites, however, that say that they offer you a home Internet survey business opportunity are really offering you only the opportunity to pay upfront money for a listing of those who will pay you to take surveys. Most of these firms you could have found for yourself, and some aren't even current. One consumer advocacy group reviewed hundreds of sites and firms offering survey taking as a work at home Internet business opportunity. Of the hundreds they reviewed they were able to recommend only five. "

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Software vs. Hardware Business Models

By: Phil Morettini

Much of my consulting practice centers on working with early stage software companies. But I have substantial hardware market experience in my background, and I do take on consulting assignments with hardware companies.

So what are the differences and similarities between successful software and hardware businesses?"

Changing to a Computer Career for Retired Baby Boomers

By: Richard Stooker

Us baby boomers're going to shake up the world in retirement, and so we better get ready. The first baby boomers become eligible for (early) Social Security retirement benefits in 2007.

Those of you who really want to change to a computer career, now's your chance.

In the years to come, large numbers of boomers are going to leave the workforce. Many of them, I believe, will simply change from full time jobs they hate to full or part time careers they enjoy."

Is Advertising the Future of Software Revenue? Part I

By: Phil Morettini

There is a strong movement toward Internet-based software applications. Of this, there is little doubt. I have written on the SaaS trend in the past, and believe it is real. But sometimes market trends such as the move toward SaaS are overstated, both in terms of the speed of change, and also how much change the trend will ultimately affect a market. We have a word for this overstatement of a trend: 'hype'. So, is traditional software revenue model of licensing dead? Will all software eventually be 'given away' to the end user, and supported solely by advertising revenue?"

Extending The Range Of Wireless Networks

Extending The Range Of Wireless Networks:
"By: Ken Snow

Although a wireless transmitter is limited in its range, wireless extension points can be installed to boost its signal and make the range of the network much larger. These wireless extension points are commonly known as repeaters."

4 Simple Steps To Blogging For Business

By: Bre Hopkinss

Blogging is a practice that has been around for at least 5 years. It began with average, but opinionated people with something to say, who wanted to share their opinions with anyone who would read them. While it has been popular with the general public, it hasn't caught on with many businesses until recently. Blogging can be a powerful tool for marketing and exposure for any business if done properly. This article will cover the first steps businesses will need to take to set themselves up for successful blogging."

What Does It Mean To Be Politically Independent?

What Does It Mean To Be Politically Independent?: "What Does It Mean To Be Politically Independent?
By: Bill Wallmuller

I have concluded of late that I could only consider myself a political independent if there is such a thing. I do not think I should be labeled Republican or Democrat, on the Left or on the Right or any other affiliation except to be a proud citizen of this United States and live by the principles on which this great nation was founded.

As far as I am concerned, our government, as it stands today, is in great need of an overhaul and a wake up call. I firmly believe that if our founding fathers could see the way our government and institutions run today, they would be greatly disturbed and dismayed on how far We The People have strayed from the principles that our republic was built on."

What is Latent Semantic Indexing, and How Can It Bring You More Web Traffic

What is Latent Semantic Indexing, and How Can It Bring You More Web Traffic: "What is Latent Semantic Indexing, and How Can It Bring You More Web Traffic
By: Ron Jones

Latent Semantic Indexing (or LSI) has become the most recent buzzword among web master communities. There is already a mystique about the term, yet so few seem to understand it's ramifications and the real benefit to any web site owner."

Sunday, October 22, 2006

What You Need to Know about Anti-Spam Software for Outlook

What You Need to Know about Anti-Spam Software for Outlook: "What You Need to Know about Anti-Spam Software for Outlook
By: Dave Poon

Most people would define spam as unsolicited e-mail. They are e-mail messages which are mostly marketing schemes which crowd your Inbox. If you do not have an anti-spam software, you would have to sort through hundreds of junk mail before you can even get to read the e-mail messages which came from contacts whom you actually know.

This is not just time consuming but annoying as well. Some people even find it offensive when companies get a hold of their e-mail addresses and send them marketing correspondence through e-mail.

Microsoft Outlook is one of the most common e-mail programs used by Windows users. There are a lot of anti-spam software which can work seamlessly with Outlook, and this is one way of filtering junk mail from going through your mailbox.

Take a look at some of the top-rated anti-spam software which would work well with your Outlook e-mail program: "

Knowing More About Cord Blood Banking

Knowing More About Cord Blood Banking: "Knowing More About Cord Blood Banking
By: John Morris

When a mother is still pregnant with her child, the umbilical cord is actually considered as the lifeline between the mother and the baby. Once the umbilical cord has been discarded after the baby's birth, then you will lose the chance of being able to obtain precious cells that the cord contains which are an exact match with your baby and that you can have preserved. By preserving your baby's stem cells through cord blood banking, your baby will be ensured to have a guaranteed source for perfectly matched cells that can help your child during unfortunate events (like a life threatening illness). These cells would actually come in handy when it comes to combating this disease. All you have to do is just have it set up during the time of your delivery."

ISPs, Hijackers and Hostages

ISPs, Hijackers and Hostages: "ISPs, Hijackers and Hostages
By: petec

As a computer technician I encounter many misconceptions about computers. Internet provider software is one that is often misunderstood. Internet service providers often give customers the false impression that their software is necessary to connect to the internet. If you are one of these folks, you may be asking yourself what other impressions your cheap Internet service provider is giving you."

Digital Photography: In Focus

Digital Photography: In Focus: "Digital Photography: In Focus
By: John Darby

Imagine taking pictures and printing those moments later. Unleash the power of digital photography and this is what happens. All that are required for taking a digital photograph is a digital camera, a PC, a USB connection to the computer, a printer and a photo-editing program. The first step in taking a digital photograph is to familiarize yourself with the digital camera. Now, do not get frightened! Here is how you can deal with it."

PDF or EXE: The Ebook Format Debate

PDF or EXE: The Ebook Format Debate: "PDF or EXE: The Ebook Format Debate
By: James Pearson

Writing your own ebook is an excellent way to promote any on line business. Not only does it set you apart from you competition by making you an 'expert' in the field, but it is an excellent way to attract new customers, generate affiliate income, and grow your mailing list.

However, one of the biggest decisions you will make is what format to use for your ebook. There are two common types of ebooks, a compiled ebook that runs like a computer program, or a PDF that opens using products like Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Each of the two format has pros and cons. Which one is right for you will depend what you need to achieve with your book. Let's look at each format and the benefits and drawbacks it presents."

Blogging as a Business Tool: Reading and Writing Effectively

Blogging as a Business Tool: Reading and Writing Effectively:
"By: Laura Watkins

Whether you provide corporate information or intend to supply it, one avenue you may not have considered is blogging. 'Blogging,' or writing a blog or weblog is an online journal of sorts, whereby the blogger self-publishes information that he or she deems relevant. Regardless of whether or not you are all that familiar with the blogosphere (a term created to reference the culture of all things blog), you should begin to ask yourself, 'How does blogging impact me and my business?'

Creative Zen Vision - Shall We Take A Look At An Award Winner?

Creative Zen Vision - Shall We Take A Look At An Award Winner?:
By: Mike Singh

The Creative Zen Vision is Creative Labs' newest addition to their successful line of portable media players. A 30GB video player it plays songs, displays photos, along with video collections. Creative Labs is the well-known C.E.S. award-wining family who, in May of 2006, won the 'Red Dot Design Award' for Zen Vision's superior design quality, lightweight pocket-size, and innovation from Essen Design Zentrum Nordrhein Westfalen, in Germany. Also, in November of 2005, it was the winner of the '100 Best Gadgets of 2005' for the personal video player from Gadget Magazine, Indonesia. "

Location, Location, Location - Is Your Site Located Where Your Customers Are?

Location, Location, Location - Is Your Site Located Where Your Customers Are?: "Location, Location, Location - Is Your Site Located Where Your Customers Are?
By: Ben Kemp

Another thing the web hosting company forgot to tell you... An aspect overlooked by many site owners, and one that gets minimal coverage in web design or SEO articles etc, is the importance of server location to your site rankings, traffic and consequent success. Most articles are written by web design & SEO practitioners in the USA, and are therefore written from 'The Inside, Looking Out.' However, if you happen to be like many site owners in the world, 'On The Outside, Looking In,' the view is slightly different! "

HP iPAQ HX4705 Pocket PC - A PDA With Un-Matched Graphic Screen, But Is It worth The Investment?

HP iPAQ HX4705 Pocket PC - A PDA With Un-Matched Graphic Screen, But Is It worth The Investment?: "HP iPAQ HX4705 Pocket PC - A PDA With Un-Matched Graphic Screen, But Is It worth The Investment?
By: Ron Heller

Many people consider the HP iPAQ HX4705 Pocket PC to be a truly unique PDA. This is no wonder as the most notable feature about this PDA is it's relatively big screen of 4 inches. It's also equipped with a high speed processor (624 MHz)and a big memory capacity (192MB). But is this pocket pc really the best choice for everyone? Clearly not, as every person has his or her own needs. Let's have a closer look at the benefits this outstanding PDA can give us, as well as it's shortcomings:"

3 Things You May Not Hear In Sales Pitches For Data Storage Devices

3 Things You May Not Hear In Sales Pitches For Data Storage Devices: "3 Things You May Not Hear In Sales Pitches For Data Storage Devices
By: Christine Harrell

When comparing different types of data storage devices, you'll certainly read and hear about all of the great things that each product has to offer. But what about the downside to each type of media storage? Optical drives, tape media, and disk storage, all have their own set of pros and cons that you'll need to evaluate before making a decision about which type data backup strategy to implement."

Hard Drive Partitioning Stategies For Data Loss Prevention

Hard Drive Partitioning Stategies For Data Loss Prevention: "Hard Drive Partitioning Stategies For Data Loss Prevention
By: petec

Many years ago I developed a strategy for building a customers' home PC in a way that helps avoid future technical support problems and increases customer satisfaction. Part of that strategy is partitioning the hard drive in a way that can prevent data loss when Windows crashes. By creating multiple partitions, the operating system can be installed on it's own primary partition, allowing user created data to be saved on another partition. When the operating system crashes or becomes corrupt, data saved to logical drive partitions are not affected. If needed, the primary partition containing the operating system can be formatted or the OS reinstalled without the loss of saved data. ( More information about my PC building strategy )"

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Temporary Internet Files - Truth and Consequences

Temporary Internet Files - Truth and Consequences: "Temporary Internet Files - Truth and Consequences
By: petec [Comments (1)]

Much has been written about temporary internet files. To my amazement, there seems to be a lot of misunderstanding about how these files are put on your computer and the effect they have on your computing experience. Some articles claim these files slow your computer to a crawl, others indicate they are memory hogs. While some suggest that these files only affect the MS Internet Explorer browser."