Monday, July 09, 2007

Articles on Writing posted on Bytepowered Articles

These Articles have been posted in the Writing (General) category. Not everything an author writes is always the best advice. Authors are human too and strive to give information to best of there knowledge. Do your research and get second opinions.
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WhiteSmoke: Write here. Right now!

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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10 Tips For Your 30 Day Article Marketing Challenge

Article Marketing Experts developed the 30 day article marketing challenge to get business owners motivated enough to write twenty 750 word articles in 30 days. If you're following the "multiple streams of income" approach to developing online business you need to adopt a systematic approach.

Once you've determined the affiliate program you'd like to make money with, registered your domain and built your first blog then you're all set to get started on the 30 day article marketing challenge.

1) Set Absolutely Ridiculous Deadlines for Yourself
The chances are pretty good that you don't want to spend your time writing. Why then should you labor for hours over your articles? When it comes to article marketing through article directories you should lean more towards quantity than quality.

Ensure that you're able to meet your challenge by giving yourself only an hour to write each 750 word article. And that includes edits. If this doesn't light a fire under your behind then article marketing might not be your marketing bag, baby.

2) Organize Your Article Before Writing
Your grammar school teacher gave you the same instructions. She was right. Always organize your thoughts before you begin writing. Having to shift mental gears between planning and writing is deadly to your momentum. Writing articles is all about momentum so take out all the stops!

3) No Research
If you have to conduct research then you're writing the wrong article. Sure, you might include 5 minutes of fact checking in your hour-long article writing schedule, but if you find yourself on a 10 or even 15 minute meandering trip through search engine queries about your subject then you need to get back closer to writing from your own personal knowledge. Write what you know. And only what you know.

4) Focus on 10 Tips Style Articles
Again, it's easier for you to write these kinds of articles because you don't have to pay as much attention to process and you can simply stay in your writing flow. Further, 10 tips style articles are popular, accessible and by their very nature force you to write more compelling article titles.

5) Target SEO Keywords with Your Articles
Each article you write in your 30 day challenge should focus on different keywords - unless there are only a couple of keywords that you know for certain bring you paying search engine traffic. Again, don't spend too much time doing research, but do give it at least 5 minutes on the keyword research tool of your preference.

6) Expect a Learning Curve for Automated Submission Services
It's naive to expect that you can purchase an automated article submission service and get your articles through on the first pass. It will take time for you to learn a service and figure out their ins and outs. Expect that, allow for it and plan it into your time allowance for article marketing.

7) Write Different Articles to Test Different Services
Don't put the same article in all the article submission services out there. Also, don't expect just one service to cover all of the article directories out there (more and more pop up every day). Plan to spend some time with testing various services and tracking their value in your article marketing efforts.

8) Have Appropriate Expectations for Your Efforts
After you distribute your first article don't expect instant checks to start pouring in. You have to wait for the hundreds of directories you've submitted to, you have to wait for secondary publishers to accept your work and finally you have to wait for the search engines to see that these sites are linking to you.

9) Write 750 Word Articles
750 words is a good round number for a length of your articles. For one thing, that's the minimum word allowance for one prominent article submission service. For another, it allows you to really round out an idea or concept. Further, it gives you a goal for each of your top ten tips - they have to be around 75 words each.

10) Plan for the Devaluing of Article Directories
It's simple to create your own article directory. This means that there are thousands of folks out there who are contacting the article distribution services with their urls and accepting articles. It's inevitable that search engines will value links from article directories less and less. Therefore as you distribute your articles and get in the swing of writing you should be on the look out for potential publishing partners who will publish your one-off original articles on their site.

Thom Kingsley took the 30 Day Article Marketing Challenge and set about to maximize links, traffic and profits through article advertising in 30 days. Read article marketing tips on his blog,

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles

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WhiteSmoke: Write here. Right now!

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Virtual Edge - The Website that Shines

Do you have the Virtual Edge with your business? That website that when people go there they say, Wow, I want to work with that company. If not, here are a few pointers.

Packing a Punch

Your website is the one thing that defines you and your business and has the potential to draw the entire virtual world to your products or services. How important is it? Well, I just recently had mine redone, and I immediately starting gaining more clients. Also, because I added a more professional edge to my site, I started getting clients who were a higher caliber and who paid more, now it don't get any better than that.

Here are a few pointers I think you might find useful:

§ The First Glance - Hook Them!! Keep in mind that the first thing listed in the main body of your site should be the best you offer. The main thing you are bringing people to the site to see. It has to clearly state what is it you want to sell, offer, feature, etc. Go look at your site, have you done it?

§ Buttons That Tell & Sell - Those side and top buttons-you need to clearly set up so that people want to click on them and find out more. Also, you need to have these labeled correctly so they know what they are clicking on to see. That name is critical to making them take the time to check out that page.

§ Bullet Power- Clients often skim sites and rarely read through the entire site. They look for items that interest them. If you list paragraph after paragraph, it won't get read. Think back, do you read those paragraphs. I don't! Therefore use bullets or symbols instead. And try the slanted bullets or a different bullet style for more eye appeal.

§ Chose Your Words Wisely - Every word on your site should say something important. Absolutely you need to use keywords, but you also need to use convincing words to sell you and your business. Don't get so caught up in keywords that you lose the focus of the site. Write the text, edit and delete, and repeat that last step over and over until you have it just right.

§ Convenience -- Clickable Links -- In the body of the website itself, whenever you are providing a reference to a site, make sure you have a clickable link, even if you have it on the side panel. People often won't take the time to go look for the button, so make it easy for them.

§ Colors Are Cool -- Match your colors to your business or your book. For example, for one of my clients who has a science fiction book with an awesome green cover, I designed the website to match. Now you immediately make the connection.

§ Front Page Magic - Offer Something FREE - On your front page, it helps to offer something for FREE. I offer a free booklet on obtaining clients in a pdf format. How about a free 10 ways to do whatever it is you do? That sort of thing. Let people long after they leave your site remember you and want to come back to you with their money and business.

§ Contests - Come One- Come All -- Yes, we know they work. They get people to your site and that adds to your traffic. But, here's a tip to make them really successful. Follow-up each response with a personal e-mail. Now, the key is not making it a hard sale sales letter they will never read. Instead, a "Hi, thanks for entering the contests, I'm sorry you did/didn't win, but I'm ..." And then give them something special, including a coupon off of your services. Make them feel special.

§ Newsletter -- List your newsletter on numerous pages if not all. This is what is going to be reconnecting you to your clients and potential clients.

§ The Eyes Have It - I strongly suggest you have another friend or business associate view your site and offer opinions. It's incredible what they can see that you don't as you are too close to it.

§ Eyes -- Take Two -- Right now, stop and check out your site. Have you looked at it from a potential client's viewpoint? What did you think? Did it clearly define you and what you offered? Did it spark your interest?

I hope these tips help you to get the virtual edge you need for your business.

Diana Ennen is the author of Virtual Assistant - The Series: Become a Highly Successful, Sought After VA, and publisher of fiction thriller Sledgehammer, Articles are free to be reprinted as long as author's bio remains intact.

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles

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WhiteSmoke: Write here. Right now!

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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Friday, April 06, 2007

The Power Of The Written Word or Why This One Skill Could Potentially Bring In Millions

Is the "art of writing" the ultimate business power? We all know that writing skill is a necessity on the Internet. Without written communication business transactions would never happen. Can studying the art of writing make you wealthy? Dave Origano gives some insight.

There is one sentence that is all around my notebooks, in my workbooks and stuck on my monitor, with so much truth and power in it, it takes me to a new level of doing business every time I read it. This one sentence simply forms a barrier for a lot of marketers, though when you developed this one skill, a world of abundance opens for you.

Many people have used this subject all over their works, and therefor it has reached a lot of people. Those who apply it and live by it are set free from a lot of limiting beliefs. They have found abundance, creativity, energy and freedom. Now I prepared this article for you, that is meant to teach you why this is such an important skill.

You are experiencing it right now, the very power that made my business and that same power can build your business too faster then you can say "pepperoni pizza". I'm sure, if you got a penny for everything you read or heard about this subject, you would have been rich by now. If not, then you have been hiding under a rock since World War 2. I really do hope that's not the case!

I'll let you know what this sentence is, within a minute. But first I urge you to relax, take a few deep breaths. Let it flow in your mind for a while and only continue with your work when you feel that you have absorbed all the knowledge, power and vision of this sentence.

Now let's get to the point. You're now going to learn what the single best skill in the marketing world is. The skill that can change your life for good!

This skill, or I prefer to call it an art, is writing. Harness the power of the written word and you can do whatever you want to do. You can reach any goal you set, and make every dream come true.

Why is this the most superior skill to learn in the marketing world? Why is it one of the most superior skills in the whole world?

It is because you need to write every single day. You need to write a job application, a letter asking for promotion, letters for joint ventures, affiliates, sales letters and much more. There is enormous power in the written word. Therefor a few words or pages of words can open all parts of the world.

You can see everything you write as an invitation letter, asking for people to invite you into their world. Inviting them to buy from you. Inviting to become a friend or fan of you. All can be done with the skill of writing.

As writing is a very complex skill, you can visit my website for the next parts of this article series. It's just not possible to discuss every asset of writing in one single article. At my website you can find more articles discussing the secrets of writing. There I will also show you how to use this power for your own benefit, and what the best books and courses are.

Dave Origano is author of "Motivation & Inspiration" and "Momentum Based Marketing". For his free newsletter with articles, gift ebooks, training materials and more, go to

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles

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WhiteSmoke: Write here. Right now!

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Friday, March 30, 2007

Your Entire Article Content Is Under Scrutiny From Google

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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If you are writing articles for the purpose of off page SEO it is time to consider just how swiftly Googles algorithm is changing over a short period off time. We don't need to concern ourselves too much with the other search engines at this time. You will have heard many times that unique content is King, and it still is, but you must also consider that contextual relevance is now Queen.

The whole way of thinking behind article content is being changed. Semantics, overall page theme, phrase matching, (comparisons with millions of other similar pages in their index to see if phrases are relevant to the topic / theme), and even the use of buzz or niche words - eg woodworkers, surfers, stamp collectors or whatever all have their own specialised words and phrases which would mean nothing to the rest of us. This is just a part of what Google will use to determine how important and relevant your article actually is to them.

This ongoing war between the guys who find a chink in Googles armour and then write software to exploit it will never stop. This is human nature. The thing is that these guys pushing their "latest, most powerful" scripts and PC applications have a good job for life. There are always millions of people who are quick enough to snap up their $97 products if there is a hint they can get to #1 without doing any work.

They have customers for life. As soon as Google addresses an issue then another script is on the market and so the loop continues. The sad thing is that the buyers of these scripts are spending so much time trying to be "smart" they probably never actually build a business.

A similar problem exists with the use of Private Label Rights articles. There is little wrong in principal with using PLR properly, they can give you some great ideas to get started, but the vast majority of users who have downloaded 1000 articles either free or for next to no cost simply load them up and fire them out onto the Net without even looking at them! This, together with spinning software is the cause for the incredible amount of useless and senseless junk on the Internet that Google is determined to deal with. And rightly so.

There is no doubt that the duplicate content issue is presently a huge cause for concern for Google. We all know that there was never any penalty imposed by Google for Duplicates. They simply ignored them. Weight being given to the oldest most relevant content.

It is unlikely that we shall see any penalty against duplicate content as it is quite reasonable to expect more than one version of an article on different websites. What we may see is penalties against what Google determines to be spun, low quality content with no relevance. I will not speculate on these penalties but we may have an issue on exactly what is determined to be sub standard content.

It would seem that the days of us "leading" Google into what our content is all about through the use of titles, keyword density, file names and so on is coming to end. Once the programming is in place it may well be that all we have to do is to write naturally with a certain amount of passion about a theme we have an interest in or have researched well. MMmmmm! Didn't we use to do this before search engines and algorithms and programmers came on the scene?

Visit Taff Martin's Internet & Article Marketing Blog. Leave a comment.
Receive his step by step guide "Understanding How To Make $50 A Day Online - Within 30 Days" right now.
Not everybody is able to build a sucessful business online. Info Here

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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

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Freelance Copywriting Jobs

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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You can find that there are numerous freelance copywriting jobs out there. Within this article today, we'll look at a couple of the different websites and how you can make sure to set yourself apart from all of the other freelancers out there.

Our first task is to identify the different marketplaces where you should have a subscription. The website that will be profiled first is This particular marketplace has a very strong following as more than 100,000 potential customers come by the website each week. You are able to sign up to sell your services and the system allows you to upload your best work to sell yourself to potential clients. There is also a search agents in place so that you can have jobs that meet your criteria e-mailed to you on a daily basis. Cost for a subscription to this particular website can range from eight dollars per month up to one hundred twenty dollars per month.

The second website which you should look to register for it is This is actually the largest online freelance marketplace on the Internet to look for online jobs including freelance copywriting jobs. The capabilities of this website are similar to the ones that were posted in the paragraph above for that particular website. It has a service provider base of over 481,000 people. If you live in Europe, you can use both of these websites as well as a European challenge to these two, which is found at There are many other websites that also offer a freelance online marketplace and one of these is

This should get you started in being able to find different websites and which you can bid on projects. When you are bidding on projects, companies that are looking at the bids will not be looking just at price but also at how their work will be done. To do this you will want to set yourself apart. The way that you can set yourself apart in creating a bid is to include copies of your best work but also make sure that you include testimonials along with a sales letter on why you will be the best party bidding on this particular project. By doing this, you will be tailoring your message to the particular party and you will be showing them examples of your past work along with happy clients. This will help improve your credibility and firmly anchor you as a potential candidate who can get the job done. Many copywriters do not have a website today so if you take the opportunity to create a website, you will find that you could have a competitive advantage in the freelance copywriting jobs market.

Hopefully this article on freelance copywriting jobs has helped you. It is important to know which websites you should use in finding work but it is also important to find ways to set yourself apart. By creating a website as well as creating an advertising package that shows off your best side, you are setting yourself up to stand apart from other freelancers. You are selling yourself when you create this package so keep that in mind.

Ronald Piper is an online researcher who publishes new information on specialized topics. He provides daily, relevant information and updated content on your favorite interests. To view more articles related to this particular subject, please visit his website at:

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WhiteSmoke: Write here. Right now!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Submit Articles to Rise to the Top of the Internet

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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So, you have the best thing since sliced bread. With the right marketing, you could really make an impact on the internet. You might even corner your niche, or even become a top 30 website.

But you need to become more important on the internet (backlinks) and you need to get the word out about your website.

You've done the usual submit to link directories, maybe even swapped a couple of links with like-topic websites. But, from there it keeps coming back to paid advertisements, which can take a hefty budget.

Don't despair, there are simpler ways that most webmasters won't mention.

Yes, just write articles. There are some guidelines however that you need to look at.

You really need to write 500 words or more to get the attention of most websites and article directories. Many consider under 500 to not have enough substance. Easy one to fulfill.

You need to give something to the reader. Free advice, free information, something of that nature. You are not selling with this article, and it is not an ad. You are giving to receive, and if you provide good information, readers will want to follow the link in the resource to your website. You are trying to show your expert status in your topic, afterall.

Normally at the end of the article is a resource paragraph, a small blurb about you and your website. This is where you quickly entice the user to find out more information. Remember to send them to a relevant page, which is not necessarily your main website page.

This is the fun part. This is where you actually submit your articles to article directories to start them in their circulation. Just search for article directory on Google and you'll find many very quickly. The more places you can get it out to, the more you'll stand to gain from the article. In this aspect, many like article submission services as it frees time to write articles and take care of other website-related issues.

There are a couple of things you should research before writing up your article.

One is, who is your target audience, and what info do they want to devour?

The second is, what are your target keywords that you should be using in your links back to your website, and note that these should vary.

In addition, absolutely deep-link your website instead of sending all links to your main page. For one, search engines love this. It shows a more thorough integration into the internet, and helps establish your importance. This also can really give your potential page rank a boost.

You stand to gain many things from writing articles and giving out free information. It makes you an instant expert, you get very valuable backlinks, your search engine ranking will go up as a result of the backlinks, and the target you get from your articles is laser-targetted and they are ready to see what else you have to say. Pre-qualified traffic, the perfect kind.

Tony Kristovich is the owner of, an article submission directory where you can find more great information on writing articles, site promotion and also submit your own articles for massive exposure.

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles

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WhiteSmoke: Write here. Right now!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

To Write Or Not To Write

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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She was sitting inside a public transportation; then, all of the sudden, thoughts suddenly seem to swirl inside her head and she ached to be with a notepad and pen so she could write them all down. She finds a notepad and a pen, she is lucky and the thoughts became words. She does not find them, she gets upset as the thoughts she was nursing so tenderly like a baby dissipated like dust into the winds.

That is how writers go about in their daily lives. There are moments when they could think of nothing to write at all and times when they are bombarded with so many ideas that their hands could not keep up or the inks of their pens would run out, whatever comes first.

But there is always a question that bugs every writer, and that is, To write or not to write? When they are faced with the opportunity of writing about something that is not their forte, would they or would they rather not write about it?

Writers who desperately need to earn a living will have no other choice but to go on and write anything that will get in the bucks. But, comes the mental block, how will they go about writing about something that they are not even passionate about? How could a poet write about the technical aspects of a car? How could a literary writer do a news article on something as horrid as a vehicular accident?

Here are tips on how to be a flexible writer:

Research, research, research...

Chris Kennelly is a writer for our article directory and directory submission services at Free Articles and Ezines Find out more about our top articles on To Write or Not to Write Free Article Directory Blog

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Freelance Writing Online: Some Hard and Fast Facts

Wanted! Computers and Internet technology authors. Promote yourself, your services or products by submitting articles to Bytepowered Articles directory. Start your viral marketing campaign with Bytepowered Articles! Sign up Free!

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If there is one maxim that has continued to remain true about the Internet it is that "Content is King". The fact that website owners need fresh and relevant content to keep browsers coming back to their website means that there is a secondary market for content creation.

This of course has created a wonderful opportunity for freelance writers who can spend their time creating content for others and be paid for it. But before you throw in your day jobs, register your profile with Elance or Guru and start banging away on your laptop, let's look at some of the truisms of the market so that you can enter the opportunity with open eyes.

Firstly, let's deal with the question of how much money you can make. Will you make a million dollars? No. Only very high profile offline authors make this sort of money. Is it possible to make $80- $100k per year. The answer is yes but like anything it will require some hard work and a dash of entrepreneurial spirit. In fact, to be truly successful you will need to spend nearly as much time marketing yourself as you will creating content. To command this type of income you will also most likely need to augment your writing efforts with some affiliate marketing. This isn't difficult: you still create content but you will also make sure that you embed some of your own affiliate links in the content that you create.

It also depends on your agenda. If you're looking to make a full time income then those figures are within your reach. If however, you're a student for instance and therefore do not have as much time at your disposal, then a $20k per annum secondary income at the upper end would be the more likely scenario.

Do you have to be a good writer to succeed online? No. In fact being a good writer may actually be a hindrance: simply for the fact that your work may not be appreciated and command the price that you feel it's worth. The nature of the market that you will be dealing with is one that is after fast and relatively cheap content. They're not after high quality writing so don't try and be Shakespeare. All you really need is a decent grasp of spelling and punctuation and be able to write in a conversational tone. Easy? You bet.

Do you need to have a subject specialty? Once again the answer is no and if you do specialise then you may be severely denting your income prospects. The secret here is to not put all your eggs in one basket. You want to have multiple sources of income: this means not only a multiplicity of subjects but also a multiplicity off avenues to get your writing out there. Bidding at auction sites such as and is certainly one way of getting the dollars in but it does not preclude creating monetised blogs or writing and submitting articles with embedded links.

It helps when writing online for a living to think outside the box. You can certainly make a steady income from just writing alone but by tweaking and monetising your approach with affiliate marketing you can put yourself in a position to really explode your income.

Scott is a successful freelance writer who makes the bulk of his income by writing online. To learn how you can create a secondary income through pursuing freelance writing opportunities go to

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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Why Your Freelance Writing Talents Are Desperately Needed

You may or may not have heard this before - On the Internet: Content is King. Or to put it another way: the websites that deliver the most up-to-date and relevant content also tend to be the most popular. And if the website(s) in question have a commercial aspect to them, which is most of them; then popularity goes onto equate with increased income for the website owner.

The explosive growth of the Internet and the attendant growth of Internet related commerce has created an unprecedented demand for written content. Now the fact of the matter is that is very rare for webmasters to go about each day creating this content themselves. They simply don't have the time. What you will find is that they source the content from elsewhere and are happy to pay for it.

You can see where this is going, can't you? If Webmasters are happy to pay for outsourced content then there is an obvious opportunity for freelance writes to create that content and get paid for it.

It gets better: Not only is there a demand for freelance writing skills but some specific online markets have sprung up that allow freelance writers to present their wares as it were. Webmasters know to go to these markets to secure outsourced content so it really streamlines the process of selling your writing skills.

It gets better still: The constantly evolving nature of the Internet means that new avenues are continually springing up - all of which are in need of new content. If it's not website owners that need sales copy, then it'll be bloggers who need fresh content for their blog readers. And if it's not blog owners that need content, then it'll be article directories looking for more content so that webmasters keep coming back to them. And so on and so on. If there's one thing the Internet is not: it is static. Opportunities abound wherever you look and content creation is one of the biggest of them.

Two of the biggest and most popular online auction sites are and Webmasters know that they can go to these central resources, create a job description, and then have freelance writers bid to do that work. It works like a dutch auction with the lowest bidder usually, though not always, winning the bid and securing the job. Of course once you've done good work for someone once, they may opt to bypass the bidding process the next time around and work with you directly.

The beauty about selling your freelance writing skills these agencies is that not only do they provide an efficient marketplace for you to sell your skills but they also act as a governing body to ensure that your invoice is paid within 30 days or sooner. People that do pay you late on these sites tend to get kicked off. In that respect it is very similar to the eBay auction system except that you are dealing with writing services instead of "shipped goods".

If you're a writer looking to make an income by writing online then it behoves you to make yourself visible where the buyers of content all go to shop. and are the best places to start.

Scott is a successful freelance writer who makes the bulk of his income by writing online. To learn how you can create a secondary income through pursuing freelance writing opportunities go to

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

How to Create Winning Concepts and Copy Every Time...Even When Faced With a Terrifying Job!

Afraid your concepting abilities aren't up to snuff? Buddy up with a pro to gain confidence and increase the chances of your copywriting success!

It doesn't matter how new you are to copywriting, or how old...the fact is, there will be times when you'd feel more confident with the brains, talent, and experience of a writing partner.

Perhaps you're writing for a new client who's in an industry you know nothing about. Perhaps you've been asked to come up with some very high level concepts. Or maybe you're getting paid partly based on response rate, and you simply want to make sure your package is as good as it possibly can be.

The answer to these and many other copywriting situations is to...

Master copywriter and coach Chris Marlow publishes a free ezine for copywriters who want to quickly build a profitable business. Visit:

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Copywriting Training: The Fundamentals You Need To Understand When Writing Copy

Writing powerful copy is quite simple if only you understand your market and know what their needs, wants and wishes are. All too often people are quick to write a sales letter to close a sale yet never give concerted thought to WHO they are writing to and what they want and need. Research into your market is key but once you know who your market is and what they want, your sales will skyrocket as a result.

When you are trying to learn how to write an effective sales letter in any copywriting training course, you need to first recognize and understand the basics. The basics are crucial in order for the sales letter to flow nicely. I will briefly elaborate on them.

Jo Han Mok is a #1 bestselling author and one of the world's most powerful copywriters. Discover his copywriting training secrets that have generated millions of dollars! Visit his website at

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Five Easy Ways To Shake The Writing Devil Off Your Shoulder

When asked if he ever talked to himself, Woody Allen liked to respond: "Yeah, it's the only way I know to have an intelligent conversation with someone." Ba-da-bum.

Seriously, though, talking to yourself is big problem for many of us writers. That's because we spend a lot of each day in our own heads, lost in our own thoughts. And our interior selves are prone to nattering. Occasionally, they say helpful stuff like: "don't worry," or "buck up," or "it'll be better tomorrow." But more often they say hurtful or downright nasty things like:

Gee, you're a crummy writer
In a million years, no one will ever read this
This lede (beginning of an article) is incredibly dull
No one is going to buy what you're trying to sell
You can't write a call to action to save your life
That headline sucks
You're no good at this
Let's face it, this is just too hard

Are you old enough to remember TV cartoons from the 1960s? If so (or if you're a 'toon fan), you may recall a miniature devil, complete with pitchfork, who sat on the shoulder of many a main character. This little devil whispered bad advice and spiteful ideas into the character's ears -- egging him on to do the wrong or rotten thing.

You might visualize the malicious little voice inside your head -- the one that tells you you're a crummy writer -- as that cartoon devil. Gleefully, he focuses on the negative in your writing, particularly on what you're doing "wrong."

Of course, this devil can be dealt with. But first you need to recognize him and his mouthy ways. Your first step is to start auditing what he tells you. Pay attention! Write down what he says. Note the time of day. Notice how often he pesters you. Once you start listening for his voice, you may be surprised at what he's telling you. Perhaps you had no idea how effectively his comments were tying you in knots.

Then, when you've completed your audit, you can move on to exorcising him. Here are five extremely effective strategies for fighting back:

Bully him in return. When the devil starts to tell you that you're a crummy writer, "yell" (silently, in your mind) "STOP!" Shake your head, shrug your shoulder. Wiggle your fingers. (And if, like me, you're a fan of the '50s musical, you could even consider humming a salutary chorus of "I'm gonna wash that man right out of my hair...")

Negotiate. When the devil says your writing is boring tell him: "You may be right, but I don't have time to deal with this." If you're feeling generous, you might add: "I'll think about it later when I'm not so busy writing."

Agree with him. Have you ever noticed how easy it is to disarm people when you suddenly and unexpectedly agree with them? It takes the wind right out of their sails and they tend to become very silent. Say to your devil: "Yeah, you're probably right; I'm a crummy writer. But, you do know what? I'm going to finish this writing anyway." Then do it.

Argue with him. Start by deconstructing what the devil is telling you. Notice how so many of his comments are absolutes and over-generalizations: "You always write such boring introductions." Or, "Why don't you ever write anything pithy?" Do those comments make any sense at all? Can you honestly say that every single introduction you've ever written in your entire life, from kindergarten until today, has been boring? Do you know for absolute certain that the word "pithy" does not apply to a single sentence you've ever crafted? Of course not! The devil needs to generalize because the devil doesn't speak the truth. Call him on it.

Replace him. And this is the most fun step of all. Give your devil an alter-ego -- a little white angel who sits on your other shoulder. (They did that in the cartoons, too, remember?) And for every nasty comment the devil makes, have your angel say the opposite. If the devil whispers: "You're a crummy writer," your angel should reply: "You're a BRILLIANT writer." Note: It doesn't matter whether you believe this is true. This is a battle of over-generalizations. Be bold!

Negative thoughts will not only hurt your writing; they'll also make writing slower and more painful. Don't let the devil get away with it. Be sure to fight back.

A former journalist, Daphne Gray-Grant is a writing and editing coach who helps people writer better, faster. Visit her website at where you can sign up for her free weekly newsletter on power writing.

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Top 20 Abused, Misused, And Mistreated Words

Many words in the English language are used incorrectly. Every writer can benefit from a refresher that outlines some of these most commonly misused words. If you are not always sure of when to use some of these words, you're in good company. Many intelligent and well-educated people continue to use these words incorrectly. But before you publish your next document or click the 'submit' button on that email, double check for any violations of these 20 abused, misused, and mistreated words.

While spell check quickly catches misspellings, misused words can easily slip past spell check and into your documents. One way to identify words used out of context is by turning on your word processor's grammar check feature. However, though grammar check will identify a majority of misuses, it shouldn't be your final proofreading expert. Some misuses, particularly those that involve uses of 'that vs. who/whom,' can pass through grammar check but still need repair.

For important and published works, consider sending your documents to a professional proofreading service. Even professional writers use proofreaders. After staring at your document for hours on end, it's easy to skim over sentences with missing words, typos, and words used out of context. Professional proofreading services are affordable, fast, and ensure that readers always associate you and your company with top-notch quality work.

Author is a skilled and professional copywriter. For more information about proofreading your work, visit

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Monday, January 22, 2007

The Friendly Editor: 5 Ways You Can Help Others Write Faster and Better

Editor Note:I have decided to post this article by Daphne Gray-Grant in it's entirety. Daphne's expert advice and excellent writing is just too good for my readers to miss! If you write for any purpose I recommend signing up for Daphne's News Letter.

Do you ever have to edit the work of others? Here are five tips for making the process easier, getting better copy out of people and helping the writers who work with you become happier and more fulfilled.

1) Give your writers explicit directions, so they have a detailed idea of what you expect and need. Don't say, "I need an article about the autumn fundraiser," or "I want to know all about the launch of the new stain remover." Instead, describe the purpose of the article and the key questions it should answer for the reader. Describe who is likely to read the article and where in your publication it's going to appear. Will it be accompanied by a photograph or illustration? (And, if so, what?) A good story assignment may be 200 words or more; it should never be a single sentence! Investing half an hour in drafting a thorough assignment upfront will save you many hours of grief later on.

2) Be especially clear about deadlines. Make them reasonable -- the longer or more complex the story, the longer the time needed. And try to build in a "cushion" for emergencies. For example, if you need the article by May 15, ask for it by May 12, so you have a couple of extra days in case anything goes wrong.

3) If the writer you're working with is not a professional, be sure to warn him or her it's inevitable you're going to have to edit. (Professionals understand this already. Even brilliant fiction writers like Alice Monroe and established journalists like Bob Woodward have editors.) You might say something like: "I need to edit all the articles to match the style of the publication" or "to achieve a unified voice." Make sure they understand that editing does not mean they are "bad" writers or, heaven forbid, "bad" people. And be sure to honour the writer's effort by giving him or her feedback in a timely fashion. If you ask for the story on May 12, edit it soon after -- otherwise your deadlines are not going to be perceived as "real" and you're likely to be seen as a jerk.

4) Use "praise sandwiches." Many would-be editors mistakenly focus on only what they don't like. But you should also make a point of highlighting the good stuff. If you can start by commending something that works, move on to something that needs fixing, and end with something that works (a praise sandwich) people usually respond positively. As you do this, try to avoid the word but. "I really liked the metaphor you used at the beginning BUT thought your quotes were a bit weak." The but is a big red flag that will cancel out the positive statement. Use and instead. Or, don't link the thoughts at all.

5) When you're editing, never, never ever use the colour red to mark corrections or comments. We all have bad memories of being edited harshly by grade school teachers who "bled" red ink all over our precious compositions. Use blue or green ink instead -- it's much friendlier.

It's not hard to help others become better writers. Follow these tips and you'll not only receive better copy, faster -- you'll also have more friends.

A former journalist, Daphne Gray-Grant is a writing and editing coach with an international practice helping corporate communicators better, faster. Visit her website at where you can sign up for her free weekly newsletter on power writing.

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles