Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The Three Biggest Mistakes That Webwriters Make

Writing for the web sometimes seems like a mysterious, almost mystical process. It's also the subject of much conflicting advice.

"Write short," say some experts. People who read the Internet only scan. "Nah," retort others. "Be absolutely sure you answer all of the customers' questions. Write as long as you need to make the sale."

Instead of getting stuck in the long-versus-short debate, I like to cut through the bafflegab by focusing on a web writing trick that's wonderfully simple, straightforward and non-controversial. It is: Think like your customer.

Why? The reason is simple. If you think like your customer, more people will read your website and if you're selling something, more of them will buy.

If you doubt the effectiveness of this advice, I urge you to imagine yourself walking into a retail shop. How would you feel if the clerk was dressed in a Chanel jacket, looked down her nose at you, frowned and turned in the opposite direction when you asked her a question?

Not a very welcoming thought, is it?

But funnily enough, many websites give the impression of being "guarded" by an equally fussy, snobbish clerk. How?

It's the writing...

Need to write better, faster? Sign up for Power Writing. Daphne Gray-Grant, a former journalist, and author of this article, is a writing and editing coach. Power Writing is her weekly newsletter and it's free. Sign up at

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles

The 3 Things You Must Remember When Writing Your Sales Letter

Writing sales copy is a learnable skill. You aren't writing the next great novel but a short novella that persuades your reader to your desired action. Sales letters are really salesmanship in print. Have you listened to a good salesman before? Not the typical used car type but the smooth salesman who has a quality conversation with you. You have walked out of the store with a new widget and you are convinced it is the smartest purchase you've made all year.

This type of salesmanship is learnable and easier since it's in print. In print you have the opportunity to change your mistakes before publication. However, you don't have the chance to modify your information based on the reader's objections.

The first step is to outline and plan your information so that the points flow seamlessly through the letter. In order to do that...

Jo Han Mok is a #1 bestselling author and frequent featured speaker at Internet Marketing bootcamps and conferences. Visit his website for a simple step-by-step plan to profit online in 21 days or less!

Article Source: Bytepowered Articles and Guides